Isabella is 6!

And my girl is 6 and we are so grateful for every day we get to spend with her. This past year was exciting and busy, we are still in a global pandemic but doing the best we can.
Isabella had two big milestones in the past year, first she started Kindergarten and she loves it! She has learned so much, now she can read simple sentences and she made new friends. She also lost her first and second tooth and she was very happy. And this girl is so lucky that the tooth fairy came and also the Ratoncito (tradition from Puerto Rico) visited her.
The last year she has been involved in many extracurricular activities, some she has dropped and others like Gymnastics had stuck. She tried soccer, ballet and did her first recital but after finishing her commitments with these two she said she was done with them. One day she said she wanted to try horseback riding and she loves it, and she is very good. She is practicing basketball and although it is a very complex sport, she is improving every day and likes it very much. And after school began, she learned about Scouts and she is having a great time, having new experiences and being around her friends.
She’s been celebrating her birthday since the end of December. When we visited Puerto Rico this winter, she had two celebrations there and of course her Kansas City celebration. Isabella Faith is so much more than we ever dreamed, she is sweet, strong and beautiful inside and out. Her personality shines so much when she is happy and when she is mad too. She is not afraid to let her dad and I know how she feels about things and rules, she questions almost everything and is a bit impatience and strong willed, but we wouldn’t want it any other way.

And now to one of my favorite birthday traditions, her interview. Let see how much she has changed, if you want to read the previous interview you can click here.
Isabella Faith Nail-Vazquez
Age: 6
Interview date: January 18th, 2022
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do?
A: Play in the snow with Daddy, because we can do so many things like, snow angels, snowmen, sledding and snowball fight.
Q: Who’s your best friend?
A: Rachel.
Comments: Rachel is a friend from her class, and they have quickly become good friends.
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: Well, so many things…. But I have to say that I want to be a horse rider during the day and a singer during the night. I would also like to be seamstress, so I can make my own dresses for my singing shows.
Comments: Love to hear all her plans and the way she always tells me about her dreams.
Q: If you could have one wish come true, what would that be?
A: That Lelito (My Dad) is alive and never passed away.
Comments: I truly was speechless, I hugged her and thanked God for her. She is amazing!

Q: What would you buy if you had a million dollars?
A: A computer, a dress and some candy.
Q: What’s your favorite place to go?
A: Puerto Rico, because I can see Wewi (my mom), Kyra (her cousin) and all my family.
Comments: Just like Momma, that’s my favorite place too.
Q: What’s your favorite food?
A: Well, Mami you know that answer, is always pasta. But you know I like my candy too.
Comments: Yes, always pasta since day one and she can eat sweets all day long.
Q: What makes you laugh?
A: When someone tickles my toes.

Q: What’s your favorite book?
A: Short stories, the yellow one. And my favorite story there is the one with Gloria Estefan.
Comments: The book she is referring to is, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Immigrant Women Who Changed the World – by Elena Favilli
Q: What’s your favorite color?
A: That’s easy pink, but I also like purple and blue.
Q: What’s your favorite show?
A: Spirit Riding Free
Comments: Momma loves this show too.

Q: What sport do you like best?
A: Basketball.
Comments: She’s been practicing this sport for a while now and enjoys it very much.
Q: What’s your favorite song?
A: We don’t talk about Bruno.
Comments: And we have heard that song so many times!!!!
Q: Where do you wish you could go on vacation?
A: Puerto Rico, is the best place.
Q: What’s your favorite movie?
A: Encanto.
Comments: And how she loves this movie, she has it memorized from start to finish. She sings the songs, do the dances and acts it.
Q: What’s your favorite toy?
A: Barbies
Comments: She loves her Barbies so much and plays often with them.

Q: What’s your favorite Holiday?
A: Halloween, because we get candy
Comments: This is a surprise; it was always Christmas. But again, she loves candy and dressing up.
Q: What’s your favorite animal?
A: Dogs, and when they are puppies they are just too cute.
Comments: She has two Elena a Mini Goldendoodle and Dexter an Australian Sheppard and they play and fight like siblings.
Q: What makes you happy?
A: Momma and Daddy
Comments: How we got so lucky!
Q: What makes you sad?
A: When I drop my candy or ice cream.
Comments: When she told me this, I laughed without thinking. And she told me Momma, don’t laugh that’s a very sad moment for me. Of course, I had to apologized.

And that’s a wrap! I enjoy so much doing this interview and seeing how some of the answers change and some stayed the same. She always surprises me in one or two and makes me laugh. I plan to keep on doing this interview until she is 18.
We had our 6-year-old photo shoot with Marie Photography as always and it was so much fun. All the pictures here in this post are from that shooting.
Tell me what you think about this sweet girl of mine?
Pictures by: Marie Photography