Looking for the Good

Looking for the Good

On March 18 2020 our life took an unpredictable turn. On that day and due to the COVID- 19 affecting the world, we as a family, made the decision to go under a  strict lock down.

From that moment on, everything changed. We lost our routines, Isabella stopped going to her pre-school and Jerry was working more than ever and from his office. I was trying to work from home while teaching, entertaining and caring for Isabella. I know a lot of families that went through the same thing…and its not easy at all.

In the craziness of these days, I found myself, worried, thinking the worst, over thinking and being anxious. Of course not every day was bad, we have pretty awesome days as well. 

Overwhelmed by all those feelings I decided to start thinking of all the good things that were happening. The things that if it was not because of COVID-19 wouldn’t be happening. By doing this I let myself to breathe, to be happy, to hope and to continue to see life as the gift it is. For all that I need to be grateful and to live the best life I can.  I still have days I struggle and that’s OKAY. But when those days pass, I go back to my positive thinking and all the good we are living.

I want to share few things that we have discovered or rediscovered during this time and make us happy and grateful.

– First of all, I am so grateful because my family is in good health. Although my heart breaks every time I hear of a far or close case or see the numbers or hear the stories.

-All the extra time I have spent with my daughter Isabella. I now see her with different eyes, heart and mind. I feel that I have the privilege of knowing her in a different way. I’ve seen her bloom, unfold, change, mature and be her happy self all day and night.

-Our family time is all the time, even when Jerry has to go to his office we have managed to spend quality and more time together. We have found  new ways to share and to entertain. Movie nights are a hit always, we have discovered the joy of long walks, nature scavenger hunts, family bike rides and neighborhood walks.

-In order to remain sane, I have said to myself that I need to find things that I can do and enjoy, even if is for just 15 minutes a day. So that’s how my old hobbies made a comeback. I had put together 4 puzzles already, I am currently reading a book, and have baked many delicious desserts. Some of these desserts by the request or with the help of my Isabella.

-We have a new hobby as a family, we now do hiking and we love it. We have rediscovered nature, found joy in exploring a cave, or walking through the nature or relaxing in the creeks. It turns out that Isabella is a little explorer and loves these adventures.

-We were able to have our summer with Kai! And it was so much fun, we love to spend the summers with him. This year I felt him and Isabella bounded in a very special way. They got a long really good and they played everything together. We had movie nights (every night), water days, cooked together and created many memories.

-I’m so thankful we had the opportunity to have a little vacation. We went to Eureka Springs for 5 nights and stayed in a beautiful secluded cabin. This road trip was all about nature, we hiked, went on a float trip, visited a tiger sanctuary and other beautiful places. Kai came with us and it made it extra special.

-One of the most difficult things about all this situation is having to be away from family and friends, it is just too hard. On the bright side, I have been able to remain in close contact with those who I love. Their love and support has been crucial for me during this time. They keep me focused, they give me hope and every time I talk to them I feel the love.

So after all it is true that every difficult situation comes with a lot of good. I am grateful for so many things I have had and learned during this time. I pray that we can find a cure or vaccine for this virus soon. We pray for those who have gotten sick, the ones that have left us and for their families.

My hope is that we have learned the lesson, that we may not ever return back to the way we were. My goal after all this is that I will be more grateful  to God and a stronger person. I want to become a better mother and person, one that enjoys and appreciates life more.

I know we are going through very difficult times, but pretty please don’t forget about the positive in your life, focus and keep moving forward.

Tell me your stories and let me know what are you thankful for.

Primera foto de nuestra familia por Kai Vazquez Ramos

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