Our Tips for Traveling on an Airplane with Kids. Part II

Our Tips for Traveling on an Airplane with Kids. Part II

Traveling with kids is not as difficult as it looks, it’s like any other moment in your parenting journey with ups and downs. You will have to learn to adjust some things, but soon you will be an expert. Jerry and I had travel some 

Our Tips for Traveling on an Airplane with Kids. Part I

Our Tips for Traveling on an Airplane with Kids. Part I

The first time we traveled on an airplane with Isabella, she was three months old. Jerry and I were able to take her to Puerto Rico so she could meet her family that lives there. Being our first trip with her, I was so worried 

Girls Trip to Puerto Rico

Girls Trip to Puerto Rico

Going back home has always been like a boost of energy for me, that’s why we always try to go as often as possible. Now that we have Isabella it is more important for me to make those visits. I want her to love this