Our Tips for Traveling on an Airplane with Kids. Part I

Our Tips for Traveling on an Airplane with Kids. Part I

The first time we traveled on an airplane with Isabella, she was three months old. Jerry and I were able to take her to Puerto Rico so she could meet her family that lives there. Being our first trip with her, I was so worried about many things, her crying the whole flight, her getting sick, what if I forget something, and what about her ears, and the list goes on and on. But let me tell you we did it, we survived it and we love to travel with our daughter.

Isabella Faith at her young age has traveled in airplanes, cars and trains for long hours. She has visited several countries and cities. Each trip has been different, and as she gets older we have learned a few different things. Based on our experience, I can tell you that it is not as difficult as you may heard. Here are some tips and ideas that have helped us when going on a plane ride.

Isabella waiting to board her first plane. She was so good and slept a lot!
  • My number one recommendation before traveling with a baby or child is to check with the pediatrician first. From the first trip we made with Isabella, even before we started the planning, we talked to her pediatrician. We asked if she could make the trip and for any recommendations and or precautions we needed to follow. (Note: Isabella’s pediatrician did not authorized us to travel until 15 days after her first round of  shots) Always consult your pediatrician.
  • Take a backpack large enough to fit all your things, but not so big that it is too heavy or difficult to handle. Remember that the more freedom you have with your hands, the more you can concentrate on your baby.
  • Take 2 changes of clothes for your baby/toddler.  If your child uses diapers,  take the amount of diapers you estime she will use in that period of time plus five more. There may be delays with your flight, or more dirty diapers than normal because of the change of routine of the baby/toddler. If your child is potty trained don’t forget the extra underwear.
Isabella’s first ticket, well she was a lap child but still she needed one.
Finally on her first plane ride!
On our way back home from Puerto Rico!
  • If your baby uses formula my recommendation is to take a new small container in your backpack. This might be too much but you never know, so it’s better to have more in terms of food. Also remember to pack bottled water.
  • Take one additional shirt for you in your carry-on bag! We are always trying to keep our kiddos clean and in that process we end up with stained clothes. The trip and the changes can make the kids dizzy and make their tummy upset, if that happens now you have a clean shirt to wear.
Second trip for our baby girl, same destination, Puerto Rico. She was all smiles and much more active this time around.
  • Take toys that can entertain your little one. What you take will vary depending on the age and their likes. When Isabella was a baby we tried to keep her entertained with stuffed animals, toys where she could see herself in a mirror, or books. Now that she is older we try to keep her comfortable and happy in her seat. We always carry our iPad or DVD with her favorite cartoons and movies, coloring book and crayons, stickers, or play dough. Another option is to ask your toddler what they want to take, it works for us with Isabella, sometimes she even gets excited and packs it herself.
  • If your baby has a favorite stuffed animal, doll or blanket, please do not leave it. Remember that with that object  they feel safe. I have heard of parents who always have two of the same object, one that they can take on the trip and one that stays home, in case they lose it. I think that is a great idea!
  • This is very important, travel with an open mind! Kids are kids and we cannot expect them to behave like an adult because they won’t. If your child cries and doesn’t behave as you hope, do everything you can to calm her. But if nothing works, it’s not the end of the world, the flight is just a limited time and while is not ideal to have a kid misbehaving, everyone will survive and after the airplane lands everyone will keep on with their plans, count on it!

There’s some more tips, keep following our blog for more on this topics very soon. Email me with any questions or other tips that had worked for you.

If you forget the books, don’t worry there’s reading material on the planes. Just improvise a story, kids love images.

Pictures in this post by Jerr (my husband) and me.